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Month: February 2025

  • Shaker Middle School Announces High Honor, Honor and Merit Roll for Second Quarter

    High Honor Roll – Grade 8 Taqih Aayan, Youssef Abdelmeged, Rehan Adeel, Rayhan Ahmad, Zariya Ahmed, Lana Aiossa, Zain Alam,Kerry Alexander, Saanvika Ancha, Anton Anshelevich, Jannat Areeb, Julia Arze, Carabelle Audi, MakenzieBaker, Matthew Bernabe Banson, Aiden Barber, Declan Barnes, Rileigh Barton, David Batchelor,Alexander Behrens, Assil Benantar, Mehdi Benantar, Lydon Benson, Gregory Bertasso, Aanya Bharti,Arjanveer Bhattal,…

  • Ms. Fulmore’s Fourth Graders Bring Black History to Life at Southgate

    For the third straight year, Ms. Vanessa Fulmore’s fourth graders presented Our History, Our Heroes: Black History Living Wax Museum at Southgate Elementary School. As part of their studies during Black History Month in February, each student in Ms. Fulmore’s class selected an influential black figure in history for a research project. Some students chose…

  • Sixth Grader AriaRose Fredieu is Named Kids Care Recipient for February

    Shaker Middle School sixth-grader AriaRose Fredieu is being recognized as the February North Colonie Kids Care recipient for her kindness, inclusivity, and commitment to helping others. AriaRose was nominated by Ms. Kiersten Cosgrove, who highlighted her dedication as a peer buddy for students with diverse communication needs. AriaRose first began volunteering in fourth grade at…

  • Learn More About: Home-School Coordinators at North Colonie CSD

    / For the start of the 2024-25 school year, North Colonie Central School District transformed the role of the elementary school Building Assistant to the role of Home-School Coordinator. With one in each elementary building, the Home-School Coordinators have become a main point of contact and serve as a bridge between families and the schools,…

  • Shaker High School Announces High Honor, Honor and Merit Roll for Second Quarter

    High Honor Roll – Grade 9 Dhyan Acharya, Nya Adams, Anvitha Adikoppula, Maya Aguirre Murcia, Zainab Ahmad, Luqman Ahmed, Simrah Ahmed, Simra Ali, Sadhika Ambadipudi, Eloise Applebee, Sourish Sai Arvapally, Michael James Banson, Adriana Barker, Cameron Barry, Almira Basari, Trinity Belarmino, Marielle Belliss, Katherine Bennett, Reja Bhatti, Juliana Biggs, Purvi Borusu, Grace Bosaka, Lillian Brang,…

  • SHS Students Host Java Coding Club at Colonie Library

    What did you do over winter break? Two Shaker High School sophomore students brought the classroom to the Colonie Town Library, by hosting a Java Coding Club. Twin brothers Aryan and Aryush Sharma did not mind spending their break surrounded by books and computers. In fact, they were excited to be able to offer a…

  • Loudonville Elementary Launches “Loudonville Grows” Program

    Spread your wings! That’s what Loudonville Elementary School teachers and staff are hoping a new initiative at the school will help their students do. “Loudonville Grows,” is an offshoot of “Let Grow,” a larger movement to inspire increased independence in children in the hopes that they grow into capable and confident adults. Mrs. Sarah Boule…

  • SHS Hosts First Ever Induction of Société Honoraire de Français

    Félicitations to the first ever class of inductees of Société Honoraire de Français at Shaker High School! On Wednesday, February 12, the inaugural class of 48 students was welcomed in a ceremony in the auditorium. The group of 21 seniors and 27 juniors were celebrated for meeting the national standards for induction. Each student inducted…

  • Latham Ridge 5th Graders Donate Birthday Boxes to Regional Food Bank to Celebrate 1,000th Day of School

    Every year for the past five years, fifth graders at Latham Ridge have celebrated their 1,000th day of school (100th day of this school year) by participating in a community service project. The Panthers collected donations school wide to go toward supplies to create “birthday boxes” for families in need. In total, students and teachers…

  • North Colonie Schools Explore Technology from NERIC Model Schools

    Several classes in the North Colonie Central School District are taking technology to the next level with the help of the Northeastern Regional Information Center (NERIC). From virtual reality headsets to an “Active Floor” educational activity mat, NERIC’s Model Schools provide educational technology to districts to incorporate into their classrooms and curriculum. Loudonville Elementary School…