New Mail-In ballot option for 2024 election
Overview of the 2025-26 Budget Process | Budget Development Information | Budget Archive | Foundation Aid Funding | Absentee Ballots/Voting | Polling Location | Voter Eligibility | Fiscal Transparency Documents | District Audit Information | NYS School Tax Relief (STAR)
OVERVIEW OF THE 2025-26 Budget process
Tuesday, May 20 – Budget Vote
Goodrich Building (District Office), 91 Fiddlers Lane from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.
May 9-13 – Proposed Budget & Capital Project printed newsletter arrives in home mailboxes.
Wednesday, May 7 – Budget Hearing at Shaker Middle School Auditorium, beginning at 6 p.m.
April 2 – Budget Meeting
March 18 – Budget Meeting
March 11 – Budget Meeting
March 4 – Budget/Long-Range Planning Meetings:
Web Story, Livestream, Budget Presentation,
The annual series of budget committee meetings to develop the NCCSD 2025-26 budget kicked off March 4. Read our web story to learn more and how to attend or participate.
Budget Development Information
Please Note: The 2025 Budget Vote is Tuesday, May 20 and is proceeded by the Budget Hearing Wednesday, May 7. Annually, prior to the hearing and vote, the district engages in the following outlined steps.
- Review enrollment data, facilities and related needs, building allocations and needs, district staffing, long-range budgetary plans and the debt service schedule
- Present budget development calendar to the Board of Education for adoption
- Administrators and supervisors review staffing, facility, construction, budget allocations and special needs requests
- Departments review their budgets, staffing and long-range needs
- Present preliminary budget forecast and budget assumptions and review the governor’s executive budget proposal
- Budget presentations and work sessions
- Board candidate petitions available
- Final review of budget proposal by Board of Education
- Legal ads published for annual meeting (45 days prior to vote)
- Board candidate petitions due by statutory deadline
- Budget adoption by statutory deadline
- Property Tax Report Card due to SED and newspaper
- Publicize budget information and hold budget informational meetings
- Conduct voter registration 5-14 days before vote
- Budget Hearing held 7-14 days before vote
- Mail budget notice after budget hearing, but no later than six days before vote
- Budget vote and board election
Budget archive
2024 – 2025 Budget: $154,092,414 (Budget Statement)
2023 – 2024 Budget: $146,986,870 (Budget Statement)
2022 – 2023 Budget: $134,869,647 (Budget Statement)
2021 – 2022 Budget: $124,977,067 (Budget Statement)
2020 – 2021 Budget: $117,979,501 (Budget Statement)
2019 – 2020 Budget: $116,318,100 (Budget Statement)
2018 – 2019 Budget: $111,108,452 (Budget Statement)
Foundation Aid Funding Report
Attached is the Foundation Aid Funding Report for the 2023-2024 school year.
Absentee Ballots/Voting
NOTE: New Mail-In ballot option for 2024 election
Residents who will be out of town or unable to vote in person due to illness or disability can vote by absentee ballot. Absentee ballots are available in early April each year. If you would like to request an absentee ballot, please email the District Board Clerk for the application.
- Pick one up at the District Office at 91 Fiddlers Lane between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. weekdays
- Call the District office at (518) 785-8591 to have one mailed to you.
If you want an absentee ballot mailed to you, your application must be received by the District Clerk’s office at least one week before the vote date. If you plan to pick up your ballot, your application must be received by the day before the vote.
Completed absentee ballots must be received the District Clerk’s Office by 5 p.m. on the day of the vote.
Polling Location
Polls are open from 6 a.m. – 9 p.m. at the North Colonie Central School District Office (91 Fiddlers Lane).
Voter Eligibility
By law, all voters must be U.S. citizens, age 18 or older and residents of the North Colonie Central School District (or the former Maplewood school district) for at least 30 days prior to the vote. Proof of residency, such as a driver’s license, may be required at the time you vote.
Fiscal Transparency Documents
District Audit Information
External Audit and Federal Single Audit Reports with CAP for 2023-2024
ECA Audit Report for 2023-2024
External Audit and ECA Report with CAP for 2022-2023
Federal Single Audit Report for 2022-2023
Healthcare Benefits Audit Report with CAP for 2022-2023
NYS OSC Audit Report on Extra-Classroom Activity Funds 2019
Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
The North Colonie Central School district is slated to receive $5,668,835 CRRSA funding and $3,645,061 ARP funding, which were authorized under Federal legislation.
This funding will be used toward sustaining safe operations of our schools while addressing academic, social, emotional and mental health needs of students resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Working with the Board of Education, district administrators sought public comment from parents, teachers, students and other stakeholders. The district reached out directly by email soliciting questions, ideas and concerns – and held public hearings and forums to get the input they used to devise the plan.
Please see the attached presentation regarding the planned use of the funding. The North Colonie Central School District plan is available here.
Business Office
Cybil Howard
Assistant Superintendent for Business
Phone: (518) 785-8591 x 3106
Pam Held
Purchasing Agent
(518) 785-8591 ext. 3104
Emily Trombley
District Clerk
518-785-8591, ext. 3126
New York State’s School Tax Relief Program, also known as STAR, provides partial school property tax savings to eligible homeowners.
Most New Yorkers who own and live in their homes are eligible for STAR savings on their primary residences. Because the STAR program is not a district program, a taxpayer’s STAR savings are not factored into a school budget.
More information can be found here.