The business of the Board of Education will be conducted when deemed advisable by the Board President, through committees whose membership will consist of members of the Board and/or the public and are appointed by the President with the advice of the Vice-President. Board committees will undertake studies and make reports as charged by the Board, but will not act on behalf of the Board. Any official policy-level action will be the sole discretion of the Board.
The President of the Board will serve as an ex-officio member of all Board committees.
Committee Reports
The committee chairman or designee, when submitting a report of the committee, will present the findings, views and recommendations of the committee. The Board has the right to accept, reject, or modify all or any part of a committee recommendation.
Policy Adopted: July 8, 1963
Amended: December 9, 1963
Amended: November 13, 1972
Amended: February 24, 1997
Amended: December 21, 2015