Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 4550-R, Information Technology and Network Use

4550-R, Information Technology and Network Use

Administrative Regulations

Anyone accessing published materials via the Internet is responsible for determining if the materials are copyrighted. The North Colonie School District has no responsibility for the accuracy or the quality of information obtained through Internet services.

Any district network security problems must be reported immediately to the Network Administrator. E-mail is not confidential and messages related to or in support of illegal activities will be reported to the appropriate authorities. Network accounts are confidential to the user and should not be revealed to other users unless expressly authorized by the Superintendent. Use of another individual’s account, staff or student, is strictly prohibited unless expressly authorized by the Superintendent. The district provides the capability for faculty and staff to electronically share documents and resources through network file storage. There should never be a need for any individual to use the network account of another individual.

General Guidelines

Access to and use of district technology resources is limited to district employees and students, and to community members who are participating in on-site coursework, as needed. The use of district technology resources is intended for district-related use only, to support instruction, learning, administrative office requirements, and the use of data to drive decision-making. The District will determine what software may be installed on district-owned computers. Software that is not owned by the district, and is not reviewed and approved for installation, is not permitted on district computers. The District retains the right to review the contents of stored files and E-mail of any users. The District takes no responsibility for losses sustained by users as a result of system or network failures. Network etiquette, consistent with expected civil behavior should be observed, e.g., no abusive language, inappropriate behavior or illegal activities.

Users must not misrepresent themselves or The North Colonie Central School District. Users should never give out personal identifying information such as home address, age, telephone number or physical location.

Release of Student Directory Information – Opt Out

From time to time, student directory information (name, grade, awards, activities, photograph, etc.) is published on the North Colonie Web site, in school publications or released to the media to recognize student achievement or depict activities of the North Colonie School District.

Parents/Guardians who object to the disclosure of their child’s directory information should notify the Central Registrar’s Office in writing by September 25th of each school year, or at the time of student registration. Parents/Guardians may rescind their objection, at any time in the school year, by notifying the Superintendent of Schools in writing.

See 4550-E.2. Opt Out Form.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, allows schools to disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written parental consent, unless the parents have advised the school district to the contrary. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the school district to include this type of information from a child’s education records in school publications, on the school Web site or for appropriate release to the media or other outside organizations such as companies that make school rings or publish yearbooks. Examples include:

  • A school playbill, showing your child’s role in a drama production;
  • School yearbooks, school newspapers;
  • Honor roll or other recognition lists (released to the media, posted on the district Web site, etc.);
  • Graduation programs;
  • Concert programs;
  • Newsletters;
  • Sports stories in the local newspaper including photos of athletes and/or team statistics showing weight and height of team members;
  • A photo of, and/or information pertaining to your child in the district newsletter depicting him or her at work in their classroom or engaged in out-of-classroom experiences.

Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can be disclosed to outside organizations, by law, without a parent’s prior consent.

Parent/Guardians of High School students under the age of 18 who are juniors and seniors receive a separate letter to provide the right to opt out of sharing information with military recruiters.

While the District will honor the request of any parent/guardian who has submitted written notification opting their child out of publicity efforts, the district is not responsible for, and parental request does not apply to media that cover news stories, sporting events or school events.

Release of Elementary Student Photos

The District will not publish on its website photos along with identifying names of any elementary student, without specific written permission from the parent or guardian.


This District policy prohibits the unauthorized use of district resources for personal electronic communications that are not part of administrative requirements, professional development initiatives or in support of teaching and learning for students. System administrators will have access to all North Colonie mail and user access requests, and will have the authority to monitor messages as requested by the Superintendent if the employee is under review for inappropriate or illegal use of those resources. Messages relating to or in support of prohibited and/or illegal activities will be reported to the appropriate authorities. The District reserves the right to remove a user account from the network if found in violation of District regulations.

Prohibited Activities:

Prohibited use of North Colonie Information Network includes:

  • Theft, vandalism, changes to or malicious acts involving school district hardware or software.
  • Hosting of UseNet groups and listservs without authorization from the District Director of Information Technology including the lending, selling or copying of licensed software.
  • Attempts to access accounts of other users or restricted software applications.
  • Any personal use that detracts from or interferes with the performance of the employee’s responsibilities.
  • Any malicious attempt to destroy material of another user including creating and/or installing of computer viruses.
  • Harassment of others or discrimination, as prohibited by law and the North Colonie prevention of harassment policy by E-mail or other software applications.
  • Uncivil and unprofessional language on any part of The North Colonie Information Network.
  • Private use of The North Colonie Information Network for commercial or for profit purposes including product advertisement.
  • Use of North Colonie Information network e-mail account to espouse a partisan political viewpoint or position or to advocate for approval orfavorable votes in support of a particular candidate(s) for a political or a school district office or position.
  • Use of North Colonie Information network e-mail account to espouse or support Union activities.
  • Distribution of religious or other materials that could potentially violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
  • Using the Internet/email to engage in illegal activity.
  • Using the Internet/email to access obscene or pornographic materials.
  • Using the Internet/email to transmit obscene or pornographic materials.
  • Using the Internet/email to send hate mail or to harass other users.
  • Using the Internet/email to violate copyright or other intellectual property rights.
  • Disrupting Internet/online/email services or its supporting hardware and software, interrupting information, vandalizing data, introducing or using computer viruses, and attempting to gain access to restricted information or networks.

Consequences of Inappropriate Use of District Hardware and/or Software

Failure to comply with these Administrative Regulations may result in disciplinary action including, but not limited to sanctions established as part of student guidelines or staff contracts. In the event that a law or district policy has been violated, the matter may be referred for legal action to include suspension or expulsion from school (for students), or legal penalties pursuant to law.

June 21, 1999
Amended: March 12, 2007
Amended: May 19, 2008