Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 5215-R, Student Privileged Activities Regulation

5215-R, Student Privileged Activities Regulation

  1. General guidelines:
    a. Privileged activities shall not interfere with the school program.
    b. Privileged activities shall not interfere with the orderly flow of traffic in the school or on the school grounds.

  2. Students may express themselves on bulletin boards established for this purpose. Notices shall comply with the policy on privileged activities as found in Board policy.

  3. Students may wear buttons, badges, arm bands and carry placards on school property provided the privileged activity policy is complied with.

  4. Students may collect signatures on school property for petitions concerning school and non-school matters. Such petitions must meet the privileged activity criteria.

  5. Distribution of literature and posted materials:

    a. Material must be submitted to the Principal, or his/her designee, and approved under the definition of privileged activities as defined in Board policy. The place and manner of posting and distribution shall be subject to the approval of the Principal who shall respond to requests within two days, if possible. The purpose of said review shall be solely to determine if the materials submitted comply with Board policy.
    b. The district will not permit the distribution, posting, or displaying within the school any commercial advertising, or obscene materials, anything of libelous nature or involving the defamation of character, or advocating violation of the law or school regulations, or anything which could be considered harassment or discrimination (see Policy 5010).
    c. Any posted notices and printed matter circulated or distributed on or within the school premises shall bear the name of the sponsoring student or student organization. In the case of a student organization, the names of two of its principal officers shall be listed.

  6. Student Demonstrations:

    a. In the event of student protests, such as, sit-ins, marches, etc., every effort will be made to resolve the situation through reason and discussion. Students will be directed to return to their regularly scheduled classes and attempts will be made to arrange for a proper discussion of the problem between the administration and student representatives. If the demonstration does not disrupt the educational process for students, nor physically endanger anyone, the demonstration will be tolerated for a reasonable period of time, during which time faculty members will be expected to direct students to return to classes and identify by name those students who refuse to do so.
    b. Faculty members will be instructed not to use physical force in an attempt to move students.
    c. In the event that a demonstration involves only students enrolled in the school, police will not be called for assistance unless there is actual or imminent physical danger to any person, or destruction of property. Police will be called by the Superintendent of Schools, his/her designee, or, in the event both are unavailable, the Building Principal if, in his/her judgment, the situation warrants such action.
    d. In the event that demonstrations or protests involve non-students, or students who are not regularly enrolled in the school where the demonstration is taking place, those persons will be directed to leave the grounds. If those persons do not comply, the police may be asked to remove them as illegal trespassers.
    e. At the earliest possible time, parents/guardians will be informed of their son’s or daughter’s participation in a demonstration and will be advised of the Board’s policy in the matter.
    f. Students who miss classes because of participation in a demonstration will be disciplined in the same manner as students who cut class
    g. Violators of these policies may be suspended for the first offense.
    h. In the event of demonstrations or disruptions, no unauthorized persons will be allowed in the school building or grounds.

Note: Prior regulation, Student Privileged Activities, 5139(a)-(c)

December 23, 1969
Revised February 7, 1972
Revised November 26, 1979
November 24, 1997
Amended: May 21, 2001