Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 5312-R, School Community Health and Wellness Regulation

5312-R, School Community Health and Wellness Regulation

Note: This policy is effective September 1, 2016

The Board of Education is fully committed to providing a school environment that enhances the learning and development of lifelong wellness practices and supporting the overall health and wellness for all members of the school community. The goal is to increase access to healthy foods, provide opportunities to be physically active and promote other wellness initiatives.

These are key components leading to positive educational outcomes and encouraging lifelong healthy choices.


The District Health and Wellness Committee is representative of various school and community stakeholders. The following groups shall be represented:

  • parents
  • students
  • faculty
  • support staff members
  • Board of Education members
  • school/district administration
  • community members

The Superintendent or his or her designee(s) will convene the Health and Wellness Committee and facilitate development of and updates to the Wellness Policy and accompanying Regulations when appropriate, and will ensure each school’s compliance with such policy and regulations.


The District Health and Wellness Committee is charged by the Superintendent to provide recommendations on four key goal areas that focus on the health and wellness of the school community: physical activity, nutrition, and health and safety.


Access to quality physical education and physical activities in the school setting have been shown to have positive benefits in helping students stay alert and attentive, improve behavior and increase academic outcomes. Therefore, the District will ensure the following to help achieve student wellness in the area:

1.Physical Education

The North Colonie School District will complete, submit, implement, monitor and revise, as necessary, a Board of Education approved Physical Education Plan for grades K-12 that aligns with State Education Department Regulation- Title 8 Chapter II, Subchapter G, Part 135.

Specifically this document covers but is not limited to:

  • A sequential comprehensive physical education curriculum set forth for each grade level
  • Student assessments based on the goals and objectives set forth by the physical education staff and aligned with New York State Learning Standards
  • Conformity to all New York State recommended classroom guidelines for physical education minutes of class time for all grade levels
  • NYS certification of physical education teachers
  • Criteria for waiver of physical education requirement
  • A plan for professional development for all members of the physical education staff
  • A plan for intramural athletic activities within the District

2.Physical Activity

Whereas good health fosters consistent student attendance and positive educational outcomes, the North Colonie School District will provide opportunities and support, as well as encourage members of the school community to be physically active on a regular basis.

The District will educate and encourage teaching staff about the importance of incorporating physical activity into the classroom allowing students time for movement. Staff will be given resources to assist with the implementation of these activities in the classroom setting.

a. Classrooms – In some instances, it may be necessary for classroom time to complement physical education classes. These activities, planned and provided under the supervision of a certified physical education teacher, count towards the mandated time allocation for physical education. Physical education teachers will provide curriculum based practical resources and activities for use by classroom teachers during the school day.

b. Elementary students will be provided with at least 20 minutes of daily supervised recess. Preferably, recess would take place outdoors and prior to lunch. Schools should encourage moderate to vigorous physical activity through the provision of space and equipment. When outdoor recess is not an option, indoor recess will occur. In the event of indoor recess, faculty and/or staff will promote physical activity for students, to the extent practicable. The withholding or denial of recess time as punishment will not be allowed. Occasionally the recess period may be used by a student to complete an academic assignment or for “extra help”. In such instances there must be clear evidence of communication and collaboration with the parent(s)/guardian(s) in an effort to identify and/or support alternative time other than the use of recess.

This withholding of or administration of exercise or physical activity will not be used as a form of punishment.


The Health and Wellness Committee works collaboratively with North Colonie School District’s Food Service Department, administration, staff, students and other members of the school community to accomplish the following goals and to establish standards and criteria for food sold in schools:

  • To conform to all federal, state and local regulations governing federally reimbursable school meals
  • To have foods and beverages sold outside of federally reimbursable school meals comply with USDA Regulations for portion size, sugar, fat, sodium and calorie content
  • To have fundraising standards for school activities (in all schools or school sanctioned activities) comply with the District’s nutritional standards set forth herein
  • Develop a diverse approach to classroom celebrations including activities, healthy food choices, privileges and other non-food rewards
  • Staff will be encouraged to use non-food items for positive reinforcement
  • To ensure that potable water is available, at no cost, to all students through the school day
  • To ensure that all staff and students have a safe, comfortable, pleasing eating environment that allows ample time for meals. Students will be provided time to eat breakfast and 20 minutes for lunch that occurs at an appropriate hour
  • To promote sequential and interdisciplinary nutrition and wellness education that encourages the voluntary adoption of healthy eating habits and other nutrition-related behaviors conducive to the health and well-being of our school community
  • To develop strategies to increase participation in School Lunch and Breakfast programs

Nutrition Guidelines

Reimbursable school meals will meet the program requirements and nutrition standards of the National School Lunch Program. Further information regarding the school lunch program can be found at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)/Food and Nutrition Services/National School Lunch Program website: https://www.fns.usda.gov/nslp.

  • Foods sold outside the meal program will meet the USDA recommendations as appropriate
  • Nutrition information for products sold on campus will be readily available on the District Food Service website
  • District food service staff will ensure compliance with nutrition policies with school food services areas and will report on this matter to the Director of Food Service

Celebrations and Rewards

All foods offered on the school campus will meet or exceed the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, including through:

Nutrition Education

The District aims to teach, model, encourage, and support healthy eating by students. Schools will provide nutrition education and engage in nutrition promotion that:

  • Is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote and protect their health;
  • Is part of not only health education classes, but, where possible, also integrated into other classroom instruction through subjects such as math, science, language arts, social sciences, and elective subjects;
  • Include enjoyable, developmentally-appropriate, culturally-relevant, and participatory activities, such as cooking demonstrations or lessons, promotions, taste-testing, farm visits, and school gardens;
  • Promote fruits, vegetables, whole-grain products, low-fat and fat-free dairy products, and healthy food preparation methods;
  • Emphasize caloric balance between food intake and energy expenditure (promotes physical activity/exercise);
  • Link with school meal programs, cafeteria nutrition promotion activities, school gardens, Farm to School programs, other school foods, and nutrition-related community services;
  • Teach media literacy with an emphasis on food and beverage marketing; and
  • Include nutrition education training for teachers and other staff.


A healthy school environment develops habits that last a lifetime, provides clear and consistent health messages and accurate health information.

  1. Health Education

    The health education curriculum will include a developmentally appropriate curriculum for students to learn and pursue life-long healthy behaviors. These areas include but are not limited to the following: nutrition, physical activity, alcohol, drugs and tobacco avoidance, and sexual health including HIV/AIDS prevention instruction.

  2. Health Advisory Council

    a. The Health Advisory Council is a sub-committee of the District Health and Wellness Committee. The advisory council shall consist of parents, school board members, appropriate school personnel, and community representatives, including representatives from religious organizations. The purpose of the Health Advisory Council is to advise the administration and Board of Education regarding the health education provided at North Colonie Central Schools. The Health Advisory Council will advocate for responsible health education and adequately funded quality resources to meet the health education priorities of students, community and educators. The Health Advisory Council shall be responsible for making recommendations concerning the content, implementations, and evaluation of the health education instruction program which includes AIDS instruction.

    b. Pursuant to the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, the Board of Education shall have final determination of the content of the curriculum and approve its implementation and shall be responsible for the evaluation of the District’s health education instructional program including AIDS instruction.



    The Board of Education, recognizing health hazards associated with smoking, prohibits smoking or any other use of other tobacco products, including the use of electronic cigarettes, whether or not such electronic cigarettes contain tobacco, on school premises.

    For the purpose of this policy, school premises shall mean any building, structure and surrounding grounds, including entrances and exits, contained within the District’s legally defined property boundaries, and vehicles used to transport children or school personnel. Additionally, smoking is prohibited within 100 feet of any school entrance, exit, or outdoor area (except within a private residence or within the boundaries of that residential property).

    This policy will be posted in the school district buildings and a written copy will be supplied upon request to any existing or prospective employee. In addition the Superintendent will designate one or more agents responsible for informing individuals smoking in a non-smoking area that they are in violation of New York State or Federal Law.


The District shall establish a plan for evaluation, communication and implementation of the District’s Health and Wellness policy in order to monitor the effectiveness of the policy.

Accordingly, the Superintendent shall designate one or more staff members within the District to have operational responsibility for ensuring that the District meets the goals and mandates of its local wellness policy. Designated members may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • administrators
  • school health personnel including the school nurse and the health and/or physical education teacher
  • school Food Service Director
  • community member

This policy will be available to key community stakeholders including:

  • Board of Education members
  • administration
  • teachers
  • parents/guardians
  • PTA
  • food service staff
  • vendors
  • community members

Assessments of the District’s policy and its implementation efforts may be evaluated on an annual basis to review policy compliance and assess progress.

Ref: Pub. L. No. 108-265
42 USC §§1758(f)(1); 1766(a)
42 USC §1779
7 CFR §210.10; 210.11; 210.11a
7 CFR §220.8
8 NYCRR Part 135; §114.1
Appeal of Phillips, 37 Ed Dept Rep 204, Decision No. 13,843
Appeal of Williams, 32 Ed Dept Rep 621, Decision No. 12,934

Adopted: February 29, 2016
Amended: March 28, 2016