Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 6450, Extra-classroom Activity Funds

6450, Extra-classroom Activity Funds

The Board of Education recognizes that the fundamental task of schools is to prepare young people for life. In order for this preparation to be done properly, the educational program of the school must be as wide as life itself. An integral part of the District’s educational program are extraclassroom activities. Extraclassroom activities are those operated by and for the students. These activities represent an essential part of the educational experiences that should be available to young people.

In order to accomplish the goals of the Board, an extraclassroom activity fund will be established. Extraclassroom activity funds are defined in the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education as “funds raised other than by taxation or through charges of a board of education, for, by or in the name of a school, student body or any subdivision thereof.” Extraclassroom activities are those operated by and for the students. Money is usually collected voluntarily by pupils and is spent by them as they see fit so long as they abide by established regulations.

In order to promote the organization and maintenance of extraclassroom activities and to provide for the proper handling and safeguarding of extraclassroom activity funds, the Board of Education hereby directs the Superintendent of Schools to develop rules and regulations for the establishment, conduct, operation, and maintenance of extraclassroom activities and for the safeguarding, accounting, and auditing of extraclassroom activity funds received in accordance with Regulations established by the Commissioner of Education.

Regulations concerning Extraclassroom Activity Funds shall be attached to this policy and shall be reviewed and revised as appropriate.

Education Law §207
8 NYCRR §§172.1, 172.5

Policy Adopted: January 28, 2008
Amended: December 21, 2015