It is a testament to our organization that our employees encourage their children and relatives to seek employment with the North Colonie Schools.
Effective with this policy, no supervisory relationship, either direct or indirect, is permitted between a regular employee and his/her relative. As with any policy or administrative regulation, there are always exceptions. Each hire will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine if it is in the best interest of the district.
Any member of the family of a Board member, or an administrator, may be employed by the school district for any half time position (20 hours per week if hourly, or .5 FTE if salaried, or more) or full time contractual position, only if approved by a 2/3 vote of the Board. In cases where a member of the family of a Board member is being considered for employment, it is expected that the Board member would disclose the relationship and recuse him/herself when a vote is taken.
No person employed by the district shall take part in screening candidates for a position for which his/her relative is an applicant, or hire, supervise, evaluate, promote, review or discipline any other employee who is a member of the same family. In the event that marriage, promotion, or reorganization results in a situation not in compliance with this policy, reassignment or transfer will be effected, in accordance with the applicable provisions of any collective bargaining agreement, to correct the situation.
Policy Adopted: January 28, 2008