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  • PAC recap, Send Us Budget Questions, Living on the Moon & Weekly Boost

    Dear North Colonie Families, I hope you were able to get outside and enjoy the sunshine and incredible temperatures this week. Don’t forget to set your clocks forward an hour Saturday night. Spring is getting closer and I cannot wait. As we head into the weekend, I have a few updates: PAC meeting recap On…

  • One Individual in School Community Tests Positive for COVID-19

    Dear North Colonie Community, Today, Thursday, March 11, the North Colonie Central School District confirmed one new case of COVID-19 in our school community.  Southgate: An individual associated with the K-3 learning community who was last in the building on 3/8/21; no school contacts. Please reach out to your child’s school principal with any questions.…

  • One individual in school community tests positive for COVID-19

    Dear North Colonie Community, The North Colonie Central School District has confirmed one new case of COVID-19 in our school community. The individual is associated with the Blue Creek 4-6 learning community at Shaker Junior High School and was last in the building on Friday, March 5. All contacts have been notified. Please reach out…

  • Obituary for Peter Mravlja, North Colonie CSD teacher and coach

    On Saturday, March 6, we shared information about the passing of beloved teacher and coach, Peter Mravlja. Peter taught physical education at Southgate, was a longtime coach, and a valued member of our school community. The district shared coping supports on Sunday, March 7 for those grieving this difficult loss.

  • Student artwork featured in virtual NYSATA art exhibit

    Each year, the North Colonie Art Department participates in the NYS Art Teachers Association Legislative Art Exhibit. The New York State Art Teachers Association (NYSATA), in partnership with NYSUT and in collaboration with our New York State Legislators, organizes this exhibit to showcase the amazing artwork of students across New York state. The legislative exhibit…

  • SHS students compete in the New York State Capital District Regional High School Science Bowl

    On Saturday, March 6, 10 students from Shaker High School competed in the New York State Capital District Regional High School Science Bowl. Students studied and prepared both independently and collectively, via virtual meeting platforms, for countless hours leading up to the competition. Shaker Team 2, consisting of Minyi Chen, Pranav Jagannath, Corey Ditzel, Jalen…

  • Two SJHS students qualify for MATHCOUNTS state competition

    Seven SJHS students recently competed in the MATHCOUNTS chapter invitational. Two SJHS students, Kevin Lu (3rd) and Isabella Hu (4th), will move on to the state competition! The MATHCOUNTS Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that reaches students in grades 6-8 in all US states and territories with 3 extracurricular math programs. More than a…

  • On Hand Coping Support for The Loss of Southgate Teacher, Peter Mravlja

    Dear North Colonie Families, Our hearts are heavy with the loss of our teacher and dear friend, Peter Mravlja. This will take time to process and an effort to be there for one another. The district is prepared to respond to the needs of our students, staff and families.  Coach Peter Mravlja was a veteran…

  • With Great Sorrow We Inform You of the Passing of Coach Peter Mravlja

    North Colonie is grieving the loss of a beloved teacher and coach, Peter Mravlja. Peter taught physical education at Southgate, was a longtime coach, and a valued member of our school community.  Southgate Principal Jerri Lynne Dedrick and Athletic Director Matt Stein met this evening with faculty and staff. The crisis team is meeting tomorrow…

  • Making Progress Against the Pandemic, Building a Culture of Support & Weekly Boost

    Dear North Colonie Families, It is certainly encouraging to feel the weather getting nicer, the amount of vaccinations steadily increasing, and COVID-19 infection rates dropping. We understand the questions we have been hearing, when can the configuration of school schedules change? Please know our goal is to see every child back at school and we…