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  • LO 6th grade graduation video

    View the 6th grade graduation video.

  • Boght Hills 6th grade graduation video

    View the Boght Hills 6th grade graduation video.

  • Southgate 6th grade graduation video

    View the 6th grade graduation video.

  • Shaker High School Artists’ Response to the World this Pandemic Spring Season

    In the spring, Shaker High School art students were prompted by their teachers to share their reactions to current events in our world. Some of the assignments related to the experience of being quarantined, some related to the health pandemic and more recently, the racial tensions in our country. To support their art making, students…

  • North Colonie Voters Approve 2020-21 School Budget; Harrison & Johnson elected to Board of Education

    On Tuesday, June 16, North Colonie residents approved the district’s $118 million budget for 2020-21 by a tally of 2,946 yes votes to 999 no votes. The budget passed with 75% approving the proposal. The $117,979,501 million budget has a tax levy increase of .47%, with an estimated tax rate decrease of .90%. The district…

  • SHS students give TED Talks

    On Friday, June 12, a group of seven Shaker High School students debuted a video of them giving their TED talks on topics they are passionate about. The topics included:  Creating a Way to Contribute to our World Close to Home – Sneha Malneedi Chronophobia: Fear of Time – Rehnuma Rahman Do You Hear the…

  • New Procedure for Working Papers – Summer 2020

    During the period of school closures due to COVID-19, North Colonie Central Schools will be issuing working cards using the following alternative process. Minors and parents/guardians complete part 1 and part 2 of the Application for Employment Certificate (AT-17). This is a fillable form that allows for digital signatures. Evidence of a physical examination from…

  • SJHS hosts virtual talent show for students

    Staff members at SJHS created a Google Classroom for a student talent show. The show had 20 students enter submissions. Watch their performances. Great job everyone! The following staff members were involved in planning the event: Davis Chamberlain, Jan Zadoorian, Dawn Lange, Christina Froelich and Jude Hanley. The show was produced by Christina Froelich and…

  • ENL department launches redesigned website for families

    The ENL department is excited to announce its newly designed English as a New Language (ENL) Parent Resources Google site. This website is a place for families of students in our ENL program to find information and helpful resources in multiple languages. There are links to information about COVID-19 and ways to find community resources,…

  • A message from the superintendent

    Dear North Colonie Families, On Monday, June 1, I wrote to you expressing the district’s sadness following the death of George Floyd. We know that if we were in school, we would be educating and supporting our children as they process these difficult times. Since that is not possible right now, I wanted to provide…