Category: Budget & Taxes
Budget Committee Series: Programs and Initiatives, Projected Staffing Needs, Building Enrollment, and Summer Professional Development
The third budget committee meeting of the annual series took place on Tuesday, March 18, 2025. Superintendent Kathleen Skeals introduced Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services Naté Turner-Hassell, who discussed New Programs and Initiatives, Projected Staffing Needs, and Professional Development and Summer Curriculum Priorities for the 2025-26 school year. Skeals concluded the meeting by offering an…
Budget Committee Series: Instructional Support Budget Development
The second budget committee meeting of the annual series took place on Tuesday, March 11, 2025. Superintendent Kathleen Skeals introduced the Instructional Support Budget Development team, which includes the Transportation, Facilities and Custodial, and Instructional Technology Departments. “They do so much work behind the scenes to help all our students get here safely and have…
Introduction to the 25-26 Budget; Looking Ahead to Changing State Requirements
The annual series of budget committee meetings to develop the North Colonie Central School District 2025-26 budget kicked off on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. Superintendent Kathleen Skeals shared with those in attendance and viewing on the livestream how the district is committed to putting forth a budget that is student-centered and future-focused, while also planning…
Board of Education Appoints Kathleen Skeals as Superintendent of Schools
Internal selection comes after consulting with BOCES leadership At its Aug. 22 meeting, the North Colonie Board of Education unanimously appointed Kathleen Skeals as the District’s next Superintendent of Schools. Skeals was appointed to a three-year contract and will officially take over as Superintendent on Feb. 1, 2023. She will replace current Superintendent D. Joseph…
North Colonie voters vote “YES” on the 2022-23 budget
2022-23 Budget Approved On Tuesday, May 17, North Colonie residents approved the district’s $134.9 million budget for 2022-23 by a tally of 2,038 yes votes to 676 no votes. Results were announced at the North Colonie Central Office shortly after the polls closed at 9 p.m. The results show 75.09 percent of voters supported the…
Board of Education budget committee meeting March 7
March 7, 2022, 7 p.m., Budget Committee Meeting, Shaker Middle School YouTube Link: Watch the livestream here.
Recent headlines
- Six Students Earn Awards at 26th Annual High School Regional Juried Exhibition
- NCCSD Begins Recruiting Top Educators for 2025-2026 School Year
- Budget Committee Series: Programs and Initiatives, Projected Staffing Needs, Building Enrollment, and Summer Professional Development
- Seven SMS Students Compete in Greater Capital Region Science & Engineering Fair at RPI
- Shaker Artists Have 15 Works Selected for 26th Annual High School Regional Juried Art Exhibition