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Category: District News

  • North Colonie’s Summer Camps Keep Students Engaged and Connected

    While school isn’t officially in session, a different type of learning is happening at North Colonie this summer. For the second year, the district is offering free Summer Engagement Camps that allow students to engage with fellow students and have fun while learning something new. The district was able to invest in the summer educational…

  • Drive-A-Bus Event Thursday: Join our driving team!

    If you want an opportunity to help steer North Colonie students into a wonderful 2022-23 school year, we can literally put you in the driver’s seat.  We are hiring school bus drivers! Please join us Thursday, July 28 from 10 a.m. to noon at our second “Drive-A-Bus” event, where with a trainer, we will have…

  • SHS Artist Anabelle Vasquez Honored in D.C.

    Shaker High School junior Anabelle Vasquez was honored in Washington, D.C. recently as winner of the 2022 Congressional Art Competition in the 20th District of New York.  Anabelle’s artwork was chosen from among 24 student submissions representing nine high schools across the 20th congressional district. The winners from across the United States, in each district,…

  • Capital Region BOCES will hold proposition vote to sell two buildings on August 9

    On Aug. 9, 2022, voters residing within Capital Region BOCES component districts and the City School District of Albany will have the opportunity to cast their vote on the sale of two buildings. BOCES programs located at the current Career and Technical School, Albany Campus and Maywood School are moving to new, state-of-the-art facilities constructed at 925 Watervliet-Shaker Road in Albany.

  • Summer Meals Information: Free to ages 18 and under

    Hello Families! Just a quick reminder that kids ages 18 and under can get free, healthy meals this summer at places nearby. No sign up needed—just drop by when meals are served! Find Summer Meals: Text “Food” to 304-304 Visit SummerMealsNY.org Call 211 or 311 (in NYC) or 1-866-3-HUNGRY For a printable version of fliers…

  • 2021-2022 Shaker Middle School 4th Quarter Honor Roll

    (Revised: Oct. 6, 2022) 6th Grade High Honor Roll Azlan Abbas, Erina Abe, Anvitha Adikoppula, Maya Aguirre Murcia, Zainab Ahmad, Simrah Ahmed, Luqman Ahmed, Vedamsh Akavaram, Mubeen Akhtar, Kamran Akhtar, William Amadon, Eloise Applebee, Ayat Aqeel, Sourish Sai Arvapally, Camden Ashby, Jacob Babicz, Michael James Banson, Adriana Barker, Cameron Barry, Gabrielle Baxley, Trinity Belarmino, Gavin…

  • 2021-2022 Shaker High School 4th Quarter Honor Roll

    High Honor Roll – Grade 9 Izaldeen Ahmed, Shriyan Ahuja, Sarah Al Shaarawi, Kathryn Alber, Hritish Ancha, Saad Ashar, Sezuti Banik, Yashaswin Bellamkonda, Eva Berglund, Hannah Berkun, Zayd Bhatti, Heidi Bilger, Divyasri Bollu, Shashank Boosa, Kathleen Buffaline, Jack Bunaes, Sarah Byun, Alyssa Caiano, Caden Carr, Julia Cheban, Dominic Cioffi, Kieran Cummins, Clare Cunningham, Isabelle Dischiavo,…

  • Message to Families: Start of School Date Change

    Dear North Colonie Families, I am writing to let you know some important information about a newly revised calendar for the 2022-23 school year. The purpose for the calendar revision is to allow district personnel to participate in important and timely training. WHAT’S CHANGING We are moving all four teacher professional development days to the…

  • Message from Superintendent D. Joseph Corr

    Dear Members of the North Colonie Community: After 41 years as a teacher and administrator in this District, I am announcing my intention to retire from the position of Superintendent of the North Colonie Central School District effective January 31, 2023. In the late spring of 1981, I received a phone call from my father…

  • North Colonie News: June 24

    FROM THE OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT D. JOSEPH CORR 🎓 THE CLASS OF 2022 🎓 Congratulations: A Message from Superintendent Corr It gives me great pleasure to address the graduating Class of 2022. First of all, you did it! My heartfelt congratulations on this important accomplishment. I can say that our graduates continue to impress me…