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Category: Forts Ferry

  • Help Us Find Candidates: Instructional Aide Walk-In Interviews this Wednesday!

    Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work in a school? Or drive a school bus? Have family, friends, or neighbors who would be great candidates to work in our district? Help us spread the word! Educational Aides & School Bus Driver Walk-in Interviews Wednesday, Oct. 19 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 91 Fiddlers Lane,…

  • North Colonie News: Oct. 14

    FROM THE OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT D. JOSEPH CORR  A Week of School Spirit  SHS celebrated Spirit Week with designated Spirit Days including “Anything But a Backpack Day” and Marvel/Disney Day. Hundreds of student attended today’s Pep Rally — featuring numerous athletic teams, the pep band, select choir, and more. Tonight the Varsity Football team takes…

  • School Spirit Abounds at 4th & 5th Grade XC Race

    Hundreds of North Colonie CSD parents and community spectators took to the fields at the Colonie Town Park earlier this week to cheer on the 4th and 5th graders in their annual XC Race. Students from Blue Creek, Boght Hills, Forts Ferry, Latham Ridge, Loudonville, and Southgate elementary schools participated in a one-mile run. School…

  • Educational Aides Walk-in Interviews – Oct. 19

    Educational Aides Walk-in Interviews Wednesday, October 19, 2022 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 91 Fiddlers Lane, Latham Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work in a school? Have family, friends, or neighbors who would be great candidates to work in our schools? Here’s your chance to apply in person for a career supporting…

  • ParentSquare Update

    The North Colonie Central School District has launched ParentSquare – a simple and unified school-to-home communication platform – to reach and engage every parent. All important notifications, such as school closings and delays, news and upcoming events, will be sent to parents through this platform. Please be on the lookout for an invitation to join ParentSquare. Joining is…

  • North Colonie CSD Ranked #1 School District in Albany Area

    North Colonie Central School District is the #1 School District in the Albany Area according to Niche’s 2023 Best School Districts rankings. Niche’s rankings combine user input — ratings from current students, alumni, and parents — with quantitative data from sources like the U.S. Department of Education to evaluate teachers, resources and facilities, extracurricular activity…

  • SHS Pep Band Honored to Perform at Leatherstocking Sendoff

    Our SHS Pep Band had the tremendous honor and privilege of performing as the official band for the Leatherstocking Honor Flight ceremony at the Albany International Airport on Oct. 1.  Veterans from all five branches of the military who served in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and more were recognized for their service to our country.…

  • Reminder! 15-Minute Early Dismissal – Friday, Oct. 7

    Hello Families. Just a quick reminder that schools will dismiss 15-minutes early on Friday, Oct. 7. Why you ask? So we can practice our “Go Home Plan.” Commissioner of Education regulations require school districts to conduct annual drills to exercise their School Emergency Management Plan. Thank you, as always for your support.    

  • Shaker Recognized by ‘Niche’ as #1 High School in the Albany Area

    Shaker High School was recently named the #1 High School in the Albany Area by Niche.   According to the site, “Shaker High School is a top rated, public school located in LATHAM, NY. It has 2,011 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 12 to 1. According to state test scores, 99% of…

  • Forts Ferry Elementary Supports Ride for Missing Children

    More than 100 bicyclists pedaled into the front loop of Forts Ferry Elementary school late last week as part of the Albany Ride for Missing Children. The event has a long-standing history of raising awareness of missing and exploited children, educating families on critical child safety issues, and raising money to help protect children. Forts…