Category: Latham Ridge
Regents Exam & End of the Year Schedule
Dear North Colonie Families, As you may be aware, the end of the year calendar is largely influenced by the New York State Regents Examination schedule and the state rules regarding the required 180 days of instruction. Typically in North Colonie, per New York State regulation, Regents exam days and Regents Rating day are counted…
70th Annual Elementary Track Meet
On Wednesday, May 25, fifth graders will participate in the 70th Annual Elementary Track Meet which will be held on Walker Field at the Shaker High School Track & Field facility. The rain date is Thursday, May 26. Competitors from each school will be bussed from their elementary schools at approximately 9:20 a.m. to the…
Transportation schedules/modifications for 2022-23
Dear North Colonie Families, I am writing to share some important information about scheduling changes regarding transportation which will begin in fall 2022. North Colonie prides itself on offering a top-notch education that offers opportunities for all of our students. We know that as students move up in grade level, extracurricular activities such as clubs…
Shaker Boys Basketball program to run clinic during spring recess
The Shaker Boys basketball program is running a three day clinic over spring break, from April 18-20 at Shaker High School. The clinic will run from from 9 a.m. to noon 12 for boys in grades three to six. The cost is $40. All players will receive a Shaker Basketball T-shirt. The clinic will focus…
North Colonie Central School District’s Innovation Spaces allow students to find passion, purpose, and possibility
Head into one of the Innovation Spaces at Shaker Middle School and you are likely to encounter a student who is eager to tell you their latest project. Whether it’s creating a public service announcement, modeling an irrigation system, coding robots, or learning breathing techniques to help with stress, sixth graders are finding their passions…
Danielle Bornt named to prestigious Master Teacher Program
North Colonie congratulates Latham Ridge Elementary and Southgate Elementary math teacher Danielle Bornt who was selected as a New York State Master Teacher.
Letter from Superintendent Corr on NYS Grade 3-8 Testing
Dear Families, In a few weeks, the New York State Grades 3-8 English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics Tests will be administered to students. The ELA exam will be given on two consecutive school days, March 29 and 30, and the math exam will be given on two consecutive school days, April 26 and 27.…
Latham Ridge students collect thousands of items for North Colonie Backpack Program
Latham Ridge 5th graders collected nearly 2,500 items for the district’s Backpack Program as part of a celebration of their 1,000th day in elementary school!
Second grader LiLianna Corey recognized for helping students with disabilities
LiLianna Corey, a 2nd grader at Latham Ridge Elementary, says she wants to be a teacher when she grows up. Just seven-years-old, she’s already helping out in the classroom. LiLianna is the January 2022 North Colonie Kids Care recipient. She was recognized at the Board of Education meeting held on January 24. LiLianna, who sometimes…
COVID Updates – Test results, vaccination status
Testing Quadrant testing (used at North Colonie’s Testing Clinic) is taking approximately 48 hours to receive results. Please check with your child’s building nurse prior to sending your child back to school. Holiday Break Week The clinic will be open: Wednesday 12/29 1 to 5 p.m. Thursday 12/30 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday 1/2/22 10 a.m.…