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Category: SHS

  • ENL department launches redesigned website for families

    The ENL department is excited to announce its newly designed English as a New Language (ENL) Parent Resources Google site. This website is a place for families of students in our ENL program to find information and helpful resources in multiple languages. There are links to information about COVID-19 and ways to find community resources,…

  • Visual art and design student work installed in Gallery Exhibition at Shaker High School

    Each year, the most advanced art seniors graduating with a five-unit sequence pathway in visual art and design are honored with a special self-directed and installed Gallery Exhibition on campus. This year, instructor Genevieve Chornyak worked with her team of commendable students to develop a website of our students and their impressive art careers at…

  • 2020 Annual SHS Art Recognition Ceremony

    The faculty members in the Shaker High School Art Department are pleased to present a celebration of our most accomplished students this school year. Annually, we recognize our students in grades 9-11 who stand out for their academic achievement in our courses and their commendable classroom contributions. Additionally, we celebrate our newly inducted members of…

  • 2020 Shaker High School Science Research Symposium

    The students from Shaker High School Science Research invite you to attend the 17th annual (virtual) symposium! In June, the high school typically hosts a Science Research Symposium, which showcases the work of each of our science research students. During that event, all students display and present their research posters for all to enjoy. The…

  • Class of 2020 Honor Graduates

    Mr. Richard W. Murphy, Principal of Shaker High School, North Colonie Central School District, has released the names of those students who will graduate from Shaker High School on June 27, 2020 as Honor Graduates. In alphabetical order, they are: Maryam Ahmad is the daughter of Tazein Fatma and Ateeq Ahmad of Latham. Maryam will…

  • Class of 2020 Graduation update & survey results

    Last week, the district surveyed the Class of 2020 seniors and their parents/guardians on which type of graduation they would like to have, given the current circumstances. The survey closed on Wednesday afternoon and nearly 600 individuals provided feedback. The results are as follows: Total responses: 592 Students: 313 (52.9%) Parents/guardians: 279 (47.1%) Option 1:…

  • Shaker High School graduation updates

    There are many plans and events in the works for the Class of 2020 and we wanted to share some updates. Back in March, as soon as Governor Cuomo announced that mass gatherings were not allowed until further notice, the district immediately started thinking about plans for graduation in the event that our ceremony would…

  • Shaker HS student Maya Terry named among winners of theREP’s Young Playwright Contest

    Shaker High School junior Maya Terry has been selected as one of the six winning scripts from Capital Repertory Theatre’s (theREP) sixth annual Young Playwright Contest. Maya’s play, Our New Collosus, will receive a virtual reading as a part of theREP’s 9th Annual Next Act! New Play Summit’s New Voice event. The summit will take…

  • Send well-wishes to this year’s retirees

    As a number of employees are planning to retire at the end of the school year, we wanted to do something special for them in light of the school closure. While we plan to hold a virtual retiree ceremony in June, we also wanted to encourage our community to share some well-wishes. If you know…

  • Career Exploration Internship Program – Community help needed!

    As you may know, Shaker High School offers an internship course for seniors. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our students ability to complete the 54 hour minimum requirement. We will be providing those students with alternate activities to supplement the traditional internship hours needed to meet the course standards. We are reaching out to our…