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Category: SHS

  • Shaker High School Science Bowl team competes in the National Science Bowl® Finals

    The Shaker High School Science Bowl team recently competed in the Virtual National Science Bowl® National Finals in May and June. The team won the regional competition in March and qualified for an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C. for the finals, which was cancelled due to COVID-19. Therefore, a virtual competition took place instead. Shaker…

  • North Colonie offering free meals to students in need this summer

    North Colonie Central Schools District is offering free breakfast and lunch this summer to students in need. Meals will be available for delivery or pickup from July 1, 2020 – August 31, 2020. Meal pick-up will take place on Monday – Thursday at Shaker High School, at the back of the building, between the hours…

  • Annual Carnevale Memorial Media Arts Celebration

    Every year in June, the Annual Harrison Carnevale Memorial Media Festival commemorates our former student and friend, and celebrates all of the digital and media artwork created by students within our program over the school year. This year, the high school art team came together to bring this celebration to our community virtually. Please take…

  • VIDEO: SHS Senior Awards Ceremony – LIVE at 7 p.m. on June 18

    Due to the pandemic, this year we could not hold our in-person Senior Awards Ceremony. Instead, we put together a virtual awards ceremony for you and your family to enjoy. Congratulations to all! Watch the Senior Awards Ceremony live at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 18

  • Visions 2020: Shaker High School’s Art and Literary Magazine

    View this special seniors edition of Visions 2020: Shaker High School’s Art and Literary Magazine.

  • Shaker High School Artists’ Response to the World this Pandemic Spring Season

    In the spring, Shaker High School art students were prompted by their teachers to share their reactions to current events in our world. Some of the assignments related to the experience of being quarantined, some related to the health pandemic and more recently, the racial tensions in our country. To support their art making, students…

  • SHS students give TED Talks

    On Friday, June 12, a group of seven Shaker High School students debuted a video of them giving their TED talks on topics they are passionate about. The topics included:  Creating a Way to Contribute to our World Close to Home – Sneha Malneedi Chronophobia: Fear of Time – Rehnuma Rahman Do You Hear the…

  • New Procedure for Working Papers – Summer 2020

    During the period of school closures due to COVID-19, North Colonie Central Schools will be issuing working cards using the following alternative process. Minors and parents/guardians complete part 1 and part 2 of the Application for Employment Certificate (AT-17). This is a fillable form that allows for digital signatures. Evidence of a physical examination from…

  • ENL department launches redesigned website for families

    The ENL department is excited to announce its newly designed English as a New Language (ENL) Parent Resources Google site. This website is a place for families of students in our ENL program to find information and helpful resources in multiple languages. There are links to information about COVID-19 and ways to find community resources,…

  • Visual art and design student work installed in Gallery Exhibition at Shaker High School

    Each year, the most advanced art seniors graduating with a five-unit sequence pathway in visual art and design are honored with a special self-directed and installed Gallery Exhibition on campus. This year, instructor Genevieve Chornyak worked with her team of commendable students to develop a website of our students and their impressive art careers at…