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Category: Southgate

  • A Memorial Day Message from Superintendent Skeals

    Dear North Colonie Families and Staff –  As Memorial Day approaches, we gather together to remember, reflect, honor and pay tribute to the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Over this long weekend, I hope we may all find time to pause and recognize…

  • 71st Annual 5th Grade Track Meet Crosses Finish in Success

    The 71st Annual 5th Grade Track Meet was held May 24 on Walker Field at our Shaker High School Track & Field facility.  It was an over success, organizers said. Shaker High School’s Physical Education Team wants to thank all everyone who helped make its 5th grade track and field meet a successful and wonderful…

  • Participation Opportunity: MADD Run/Walk Fundraiser Race

    Would you like to join the Girls Varsity Track & Field team in raising money for MADD? The team would love for additional participation from community from around the district. The one mile run/walk event is Wednesday, May 31, at 4 p.m. at the Shaker High School track.

  • Congrats Troy Serao! May NC Kids Care

    Every month of the school year, our NCCSD Board of Education recognizes a student who goes “above and beyond” in their efforts to contribute. Our May NC Kids Care recipient is SHS junior Troy Serao who received a standing ovation following the reading of is nomination before the BOE May 22. The nomination stated: Currently, Troy…

  • North Colonie CSD Voters Approve 2023-24 Budget

    On Tuesday, May 16, North Colonie residents approved the district’s $146.9 million budget for 2023-24 with 798 yes votes to 302 no votes. Results were announced at the North Colonie Central Office shortly after the polls closed at 9 p.m. The results show 72.55 percent of voters supported the budget. The $146.9 million budget has…

  • Budget Vote This Tuesday, May 16

    North Colonie CSD residents will vote on the district’s proposed $146.9 million budget on Tuesday, May 16, from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the District Office, 91 Fiddlers Lane, Latham. The proposed spending plan for the upcoming 2023-24 academic year represents a $12.1 million (or 8.98%) increase. The projected tax levy increase is 2.80%,…

  • North Colonie ranked No. 1 among area districts

    North Colonie was recently named the top school district in the Albany metro area by a national ranking and review site. In a process involving dozens of public data sets, and reviews and survey responses, Niche.com scored North Colonie as No. 1 in the area. North Colonie scored an A+ Overall Niche Grade, earning high…

  • Physical Education Leadership Awards

    Our Shaker High School Physical Education department is pleased to share a full slate of honorees and awards received and given to students in the last several weeks. Three Shake High students were honored April 23 with the Secondary Leadership Award. The Capital Zone of the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation…

  • Support Our Lunch Heroes: Enjoy School Lunch May 5

    When planning your school lunches for the upcoming week, on Friday, May 5 you may want to consider joining the incredible food and nutrition service staff around our schools and buy lunch! According to the School Nutrition Association, “when we say school nutrition professionals are heroes, we mean it! That’s why we celebrate them every…

  • 2023-24 Budget Public Hearing May 3

    The 2023-24 North Colonie CSD Budget Public Hearing is Wednesday, May 3 at 6:30 p.m. in the Shaker Middle School Auditorium. The North Colonie CSD Board of Education on April 5 unanimously adopted the proposed 2023-24 budget that will go before voters May 16. There are also two seats on the Board of Education on…