Fort Ferry’s own Kelsey McCormack set a New York State record for the Olympic Snatch during her competition at the 2022 North American Open Weightlifting Finals in Atlanta, Georgia. And as importantly, she has set an example for our students on how to persevere.
The four-day event ran from December 1-4, 2022. McCormack competed in two lifts, the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk. She had three attempts at each lift and, even after missing some she came back to succeed and walked away with glory.
“I came in with a plan and had high expectations of myself,” stated McCormack. “There was no way I was going to leave without a fight.”
Her scores were as follows:
80kg/176lbs – lift completed
83kg 182.6 – lift missed
85kg/187lbs – final lift completed and new NYS record *
104kg/228.8lbs – lift missed
105kg/231lbs – lift missed
105kg/231lbs – final lift completed

“For any athlete, having to reframe your thinking after missing an opportunity is critical,” stated McCormack’s coach Kayla Servant Tote. “Kelsey envisioned accomplishing these lifts and is an unbelievable example of what belief, determination and perseverance is and can do for you. She is a role model to her students, and we are better for having her in our community.”
Our well-loved Physical Education teacher also coaches a variety of Shaker High School teams including JV Girls Tennis and Varsity Girls Shotput and Discus. She also works with multiple high school teams in the weight room. While not teaching or coaching, you can find her working out, hiking or traveling.
Congratulations Kelsey!