COVID-19 guidance and flowcharts (as of March 1)

Dear North Colonie Families,

As you are aware, the health and safety guidance from the state and local health departments as it relates to COVID-19 protocols continues to change and evolve.

While the latest state guidance (3-1-2022) removed the mandated mask requirement in school buildings and on the school bus, the following North Colonie health and safety protocols continue to remain in place:

Regardless of vaccination status, if a student tests positive for COVID-19 they must follow the “Return to School” guidance flowchart.

  • Updated guidance for positive results: For days 6-10 following a positive test, the positive student will be required to wear a well-fitting mask in the school building and on the school bus.

If a student is exposed to COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, it is recommended that they wear a well-fitting mask for a full 10 days following the date of exposure and must test on day 5. (continue to follow Staff/Student has been Exposed to COVID protocol in the COVID Flowchart) 

State and local health officials recommend testing for COVID-19 after a possible exposure and for surveillance purposes.

  • Free rapid COVID-19 tests are available at the District Office for immediate pickup or at the building level. 
  • The COVID testing clinic at the Goodrich building is available for free PCR testing.

If your child has COVID-like symptoms, please follow the “Return to School” guidance Flowchart or call your child’s health office for more information.

Students who will be absent from school, for whatever reason, need to be reported to the school by using the Student  Absentee Form. If they will be out for multiple days, you may note that on the attendance form.

As always, we remain committed to keeping our students in school, while providing a safe learning environment for all. We will continue to follow a tiered mitigation strategy to prevent the spread of illness in our schools and on our buses. These measures include enhanced cleaning, robust disinfection procedures and improved ventilation.  In addition, the district will continue to provide free at-home COVID-19 testing kits to our families and staff. 

We will also continue our due diligence with regards to notifying impacted staff and families if we learn of a positive case. In some situations, this will involve a general notification, alerting staff and families that there was a positive case in a particular classroom or school.

The district remains in close contact with state and local health officials, and we are committed to providing staff and families with clear and updated information on the latest health and safety guidance. 

Thank you for your continued partnership as we work to keep our students and staff healthy and our students in school. As always, if you have questions feel free to reach out to our nurses in the Health Office as they have the most updated guidance. 


D. Joseph Corr



