COVID-19 Quarantine Protocols

As of 9/20/21

Quarantine Guidelines

As we did last year, we are following the guidance of the Albany County Department of Health (ACDOH), and we are grateful for their ongoing counsel and partnership. This year Albany County, in conjunction with other counties in the region, set forth more targeted quarantine guidelines based on current CDC guidance. With each positive case, a team of district professionals reviews the algorithms and protocols to determine contacts of a positive case. Those contacts are then given to the ACDOH who issues quarantine orders as appropriate.

Classroom Quarantine

We first ensure that students are always masked and are distanced 3 feet from classmates throughout the lesson. We do this by interviewing the teacher and talking with the students, assuming it is age-appropriate. If everyone was wearing their masks and maintaining the 3 feet of distance, no members of the classroom have to be quarantined, regardless of vaccination status. If we discover that students were closer together rather than 3 feet for whatever reason, we then ask the duration of this closer contact. If the closer contact lasted at least 15 minutes, even if both students were masked, we would go ahead and identify the students as contacts, pending check of vaccination status. Those student contacts who are unvaccinated will ultimately be quarantined and testing is recommended. Those student contacts who are vaccinated will be asked to monitor their health. As long as they are not symptomatic, they do not have to quarantine, but the CDC does recommend that they test three to five days after exposure.

Cafeteria Quarantines

Our first step is to identify those students who were within 6 feet of the positive case for 15 minutes or more. Once we identify those students who were within 6 feet, we identify those students as contacts, pending check of vaccination status. Those student contacts who are unvaccinated will ultimately be quarantined and testing is recommended. Those student contacts who are vaccinated will be asked to monitor their health. As long as they are not symptomatic, they do not have to quarantine, but the CDC does recommend that they test three to five days after exposure.

Transportation Quarantines

We first look at the length of the bus ride to determine if the bus ride is 15 minutes or more, including loading and drop off time. We then ensure that all students were masked during the bus ride. We do this by interviewing the driver and reviewing bus video. We next look at the seating chart for the bus. (In these opening days of school, as drivers were just learning the routes and learning the students, this has been a challenge. Drivers have submitted seating charts and it will be easier for us moving forward to locate those students who sit near a positive case.)

Based on the guidance, we look specifically at students who were sitting in the same row, two rows in front and two rows behind the positive case on the same side, as well as students who were sitting directly across from the positive case. Those students are deemed contacts, pending check of vaccination status. Those student contacts who are unvaccinated will ultimately be quarantined and testing is recommended. Those student contacts who are vaccinated will be asked to monitor their health. As long as they are not symptomatic, they do not have to quarantine, but the CDC does recommend that they test three to five days after exposure.

Athletics Quarantines

Our Athletic Director begins by interviewing the coaching staff. We look at games and practices. We differentiate depending on if games and/or practices were outside versus inside, and if the sport is deemed a high risk sport. As in every situation, we first determine if everyone was masked and appropriately distanced, particularly when they are not playing. We then start identifying any members of the team who may have come in close contact with a positive case. Close contact in athletics is defined as being within 6 feet for a cumulative total of at least 15 minutes. Those student contacts who are unvaccinated will ultimately be quarantined and testing is recommended.

Those student contacts who are vaccinated will be asked to monitor their health. As long as they are not symptomatic, they do not have to quarantine, but the CDC does recommend that they test three to five days after exposure. The above represents a generalized summary of the guidance, but whenever we are uncertain, we reach out to the ACDOH and we make an informed decision based on their guidance. As students are quarantined, we will open up remote classrooms for those students so that we can support them academically and keep them connected to school.


As you are most likely aware, Governor Hochul issued an order on Sept. 2, 2021 requiring that all school employees provide proof of full vaccination or submit to weekly testing. North Colonie is partnering with the ACDOH and Quadrant Biosciences to provide testing. The testing is a Q-tip like swab that goes on the inside of the cheek, goes into a test tube, and is sent off for analysis. Results come back within 24 to 48 hours. In accordance with the Governor’s order, we will not only mandate testing for those members of our staff who are unvaccinated, but will also offer testing to any student whose parents wish to have them tested. More information will be forthcoming.

