North Colonie Kids Care: Smiles, tears, and a standing ovation.
Board of Education President Linda Harrison is completely accurate when she says the recognition of the North Colonie Kids Care students is the best part of every Board meeting.

And October was no exception when Latham Ridge 5th graders, Avery Lyons and Violet Williams were honored at the Oct. 24 meeting.
Avery and Violet made and sold over 700 gold ribbons that brought recognition to Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and needed funds to the Baller Foundation. Contributions totaled more than $1,000 in three days!
This spring, Avery will celebrate eight years as a cancer survivor. The Baller Foundation is an organization that supports children and families who are impacted by childhood cancer. When explaining to BOE members what this met to her and her family, she was moved to tears – as were many in attendance.

NC Kids Care is our district’s chance to highlight accomplishments of our students that are just a “step above” many of the great things many of our students already do each and every day.
“These two young ladies demonstrated pose, passion, presentation and organizational skills “a step above” – and beyond their years – to have a lasting, schoolwide impact,” was said during their recognition before the Board.
Thank you and congratulations to these inspirational young ladies, their families, and classroom teacher!