Several classes in the North Colonie Central School District are taking technology to the next level with the help of the Northeastern Regional Information Center (NERIC). From virtual reality headsets to an “Active Floor” educational activity mat, NERIC’s Model Schools provide educational technology to districts to incorporate into their classrooms and curriculum.
Loudonville Elementary School Fourth Grade Teachers Jennifer Dengler and Tina Forgea have taken full advantage, borrowing technology through NERIC Model Schools’ “Lending Library.” The “Active Floor” is the first of its kind in the Capital Region. The technology projects a “screen” onto a mat on the floor where students then use their feet to play educational games or do activities. One example is a trivia game in which students are asked questions about the 50 states and choose from multiple choice answers.
“Our students have loved all of the technology that we have been able to get from NERIC Model Schools,” said Forgea. “It gives them the ability to practice what they are learning in the classroom in a fun, engaging way. There are so many different things that they can do with the technology that they can practice something different each time.”
Forgea and Dengler collaborated with Hilary Dee from NERIC to tailor the tools and playlists to supplement the content their students are learning in the classroom. With the help of the North Colonie Information Technology team, the implementation of this technology into the classrooms has been seamless.
“Our students love using the technology, and it has been a great way to practice collaboration during bus dismissal and indoor recess, build fluency in math facts, better understand vocabulary in our core knowledge language arts (CKLA) units, step into various periods in history, and look inside various landforms. There is so much content to teach, and this resource provides highly engaging tools to support student learning,” said Dengler. She is hoping to spread the word to other teachers in the district so they too can take advantage of the technology available to them through the “Lending Library.”
Shaker Middle School Sixth Grade Social Studies Teacher Kelly Silver incorporates virtual reality headsets into her instruction. “A large part of our sixth grade curriculum centers around ancient lands that can be difficult to visualize,” said Silver. “‘Class VR’ allows us the ability to ‘travel’ to the different places and times that we try to understand. Students really enjoy this experience because it allows them to use a technology that they already know and love in their gaming lives. It lets kids be kids!” For a full list of available technology, you can visit the NERIC Model Schools’ “Lending Library” here.