North Colonie Welcomes Costa Rican Exchange Students
Welcome to our group of exchange students from Costa Rica!Shaker High School students welcome Costa Rican exchange students.Shaker High School welcomes our Costa Rican exchange students!Showing the Costa Rican exchange students around the Capital District.From Humboldt High School to Shaker High School!Our Costa Rican exchange students were welcomed into our schools and our communities.From football games to soccer games, campfires, Lake George boat rides, fall activities and lots of shopping. We kept busy!From soccer to futbol, there were plenty of memories made at sporting events.Our Costa Rican exchange students got a chance to go downtown to see the Capitol.Our Costa Rican exchange students made a trip downtown to check out the Capitol and the Egg!
From September 21st to September 30th, Shaker High School and families hosted 26 Costa Rican children and two teachers from Humboldt High School in San Jose, Costa Rica. They were welcomed into our Shaker families, schools, and community. From football games to fútbol (soccer) games, campfires, Lake George boat rides, fall activities and lots of shopping, many bonds were made and two cultures connected. After, the group of exchange students headed to New York City for five days before heading home to San José, Costa Rica. We will see them in February for the second half of our exchange program when 26 of our Shaker High students spend two weeks in Costa Rica attending school and experiencing ¡Pura Vida! (Pure life)