The Shaker High School Speech and Debate team competed at their first competition of the year against multiple teams from around the state on Saturday, Nov. 2. Members of the team competed in various speech categories and in Lincoln-Douglas debates. The team finished 2nd place overall, with multiple students placing in their categories. Additionally students placed in the following categories:
- Ella Bagchi and Aleena Saleem placed first and second respectively in Original Oratory speech. They each earned a half bid to compete in states at the end of the season.
- Shreya Rosario finished first in Humorous Interpretation.
- Gianna Zhang won first place and a half bid to states in Novice Lincoln-Douglas debate in her first ever competition.
- Charlie Adelstein won first place in the Intermediate Lincoln-Douglas Debate.
Overall the event was a huge success for the SHS Speech and Debate Team! Best of luck to the team at their next competition on Nov. 23!