Ready, set, can-struct! Shaker High School held a “Canstruction” fundraiser and competition on Wednesday, Nov. 20. The rules were simple – use the tools and materials you have at your disposal and don’t puncture or damage the cans. Students and staff collected canned good donations and let their creativity shine, using the cans to construct a shape, scene, or design of their choice. Canstruction served as a food drive competition sponsored by the SHS Student Senate and consisted of various clubs throughout SHS. Donations from the competition went to the SHS Food Pantry.
Imagination was on full display at the event, with eight teams of students and staff creating various displays. Some displays included a Christmas tree and train, a group of chefs stirring a pot, a fireplace complete with logs and candles, Wall-E, cupids’ arrow, and more.
Winners from the event were as follows:
- Collecting the Most Cans: Coding Club with over 300 cans
- Third Place: Student Council with Chefs Stirring the Pot
- Second Place: SHS Teachers with a Christmas Tree
- First Place: SHS Robotics Club with Wall-E
In addition to bragging rights, winners received a donation to their club from the SHS Student Council for their work.