Let’s face it. When North Colonie SCD student Shreya Sharath goes to her middle school library she can do something not too many 8th graders can do.
She can walk over to the shelf and pull out the book she has authored.
Shreya Sharath released her first children’s fantasy novel, “The Hidden Realm” over summer and was excited to provide a copy to the school.
“It was a long process, but one of the most enjoyable experiences I’ve ever gone through,” Shreya said.
SMS Principal Davis Chamberlain is very impressed by her accomplishment.
“I love how she melded her love of art and fantasy,” Mr. Chamberlain said.
As for the novel’s storyline and the lead character, Shreya said, “I definitely do think that she has come from me. I have been into art from the time I was super young. It’s always something I’ve been really passionate about.”
Proceeds from Hidden Realm are going to Aim for Seva, a charity organization based in India which provides education and housing for underprivileged children. Shreya has also had the opportunity to do a podcast with The Altamont Enterprise about her book. Shereya’s also recorded a Hidden Realm Podcast.