On Tuesday, Feb. 11, district officials were made aware of an alleged incident at Shaker High School involving cell phone use in a restroom. A student stated he was in a bathroom stall when he noticed the person in the next stall trying to videotape him with a cellphone held under the stall divider. The student also stated that he saw some flashes from the cellphone and believed them to be attempts at photos. The student immediately notified the school district administration who notified the district’s school resource officer, who is a member of the Colonie Police Department. After an investigation, the Colonie Police Department determined that a substitute teacher was responsible for the incident. The substitute teacher was subsequently arrested by Colonie police. The person is no longer working in the district. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Colonie Police Department at (518) 783-2744.
Statement regarding incident at Shaker High School
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