Tag: Merit Roll
SHS Announces High Honor, Honor and Merit Roll for First Quarter
High Honor Roll – Grade 12 Samaita Ahmed, Shriyan Ahuja, Sarah Al Shaarawi, Kathryn Alber, Hritish Ancha, Kevin Anickal, Tanish Arique, Miguel Arnias Dania, Saad Ashar, Joshua August, Caroline Austin, Lila Bazargan-Lari, Nicolas Belizaire, Kayden Belleard, Preston Benjamin, Vandy Benson, Eva Berglund, Hannah Berkun, Sarah Bette, Charles Bevevino, Zayd Bhatti, Divyasri Bollu, Charles Bonsu, Shashank…
SMS Announces High Honor, Honor and Merit Roll for First Quarter
High Honor Roll – Grade 8 Taqih Aayan, Youssef Abdelmeged, Rehan Adeel, Rayhan Ahmad, Zariya Ahmed, Lana Aiossa, Zain Alam, Kerry Alexander, Samantha Ambadipudi, Saanvika Ancha, Anton Anshelevich, Jannat Areeb, Lauren Armstrong, Julia Arze, Carabelle Audi, Makenzie Baker, Matthew Bernabe Banson, Aiden Barber, Declan Barnes, Rileigh Barton, David Batchelor, Blake Bedard, Zoey Beesmer, Assil Benantar,…
SMS Announces Fourth Quarter Merit, Honor & High Honor Rolls
Congratulations to the Shaker Middle School students who were named to high honor roll, honor roll and merit roll for the fourth quarter of the 2023-24 school year.
SMS Announces First Quarter Merit, Honor & High Honor Rolls
Congratulations to our High Honor Roll, Honor Roll and Merit Roll students from the first quarter of the school year.
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