A group of Shaker students, led by social studies teachers Andrew Krakat and Pamela Rowley, participated in the Town of Colonie Students in Government program over the past couple of weeks.
This was a three part program that drew students from Shaker, Colonie and Christian Brothers Academy together. The program began on Monday, September 18th, with students attending an evening meeting with Colonie Town Supervisor Peter Crummey at the William K. Sanford Library. Part two took place on Thursday, September 28th, with students attending that evening’s Town Board meeting at Memorial Town Hall. The final portion of the program occurred on Friday, September 29th with the students spending the day touring the town water treatment plant, the town landfill, and the town Public Safety Center. The program concluded at the Crossings where Town Supervisor Crummey provided concluding remarks and presented the students with certificates of participation.
Each step of the way, students were able to see first hand the various jobs that exist throughout the town. The program afforded students the opportunity to interact with the individuals who provide the many vital services that keep our town functioning on a day-to-day basis.
Social studies teachers Andrew Krakat and Pamela Rowley say programs like these serve as excellent opportunities for students to experience the lessons of the classroom in a new way by seeing town government in action and by allowing students to make connections with those in the field.