Advanced Art Students Visit Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston

Students in Shaker High School’s Advanced Art courses enjoyed a trip to the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston on Thursday, November 9th. The trip was planned by Ms. Lue, Ms. Carrie Lue and Ms. Chornyak, who chaperoned the trip along with department supervisor Anne Manzella.

At the ICA, the students interacted with the docents and learned about the work of Cicely Carew, Venetia Dale, Tammy Nguyen, and Yu-Wen Wu. Themes of repetition in daily life, cultural assimilation, immigration, joy and liberation were explored in the body of work at the ICA.  Following lunch in Quincy Market the students also explored the SoWa, the Art & Design district in the South End, where they got to talk with practicing artists right in their studios. It was a full day full of inspiration to bring back to their own work in Advanced Studio Art & Design.