Home » Board of Education » District Policies » 4250, Staff Development

4250, Staff Development

Voluntary in-service courses and activities offered on non-school time for credit are established to improve the educational program of the North Colonie Central Schools. Such courses and activities may at times vary in format from the objectives of program improvement for the District.

Establishing In-Service Courses

The Assistant Superintendent shall annually survey the educational program of the District and the Instructional staff, through the staff development committee, to determine the areas where in-service course activity is a demonstrated need. Where such need may best be met through a district-organized course or activity for credit, the following procedure shall be followed:

  1. The Assistant Superintendent will develop a plan for the workshops which will include:
    a. aims and objectives
    b. procedures to be followed
    c. organization
    d. source material to be used

  2. The proposal shall then be submitted to the Superintendent for review.

  3. Upon approval of the Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent, credit shall be granted to participants on the following basis.
    a. credit will be determined on an individual basis for each course.
    b. verification of attendance at all sessions and successful completion of course

Note: Prior policy, In-Service Courses for Credit, 4141.2

Policy Adopted: December 14, 1970
Amended: January 27, 1987
Amended: June 21, 1999